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Mittwoch, 18.06.2008 | Drucken |
Schlußerklärung (in Englisch) der „International Islamic Conference for Dialogue“ in Mekka
The Makkah Al-Mukarramah Appeal
Issued By
International Islamic Conference for Dialogue
Organized By
The Muslim World League
In Makkah
Under The Patronage of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques
King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud
Between 30th Jumada 1 and 2nd Jumada 2 /1429 Hijra
4th June and 6th June 2008 G.C.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessing of Allah be on the seal of the Prophets and Messengers, our Master
Muhammad, who was sent as a Mercy unto all creatures.
By the grace of Allah, the IICFD organized by the Muslim World League has concluded it’s deliberations in Makkah, under t6he kind patronage of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, May Allah protect him and sustain through him, the munificence of the people and of the country, between 30th Jumada 1and 2nd Jumada 2/1429 Hijra Corresponding to the 4th to 6th June 2008 G.C.
The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques inaugurated the conference with comprehensive speech in which thanked the Ulama and intellectuals of the Ummah participating in this conference and confirmed that they are meeting today to say to the whole world around us that we are voice of justice and ethical human values and that we are a voice of co-existence as well as just and wise dialogue and that we are also a voice of wisdom, exhortation and argument with what is best in compliance with the verse "Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with them and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious " Quran 16:125
King Abdullah also stressed the challenges that face the Muslim Ummah at the time when certain Muslims and non-Muslims have adopted extremism and militancy at the expense of its just methodology with flagrant aggression that targeted the tolerance, justice and sublime ends of Islam.
The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques has emphasized the importance of dialogue in Islam and reminded the participants that the revealed Messages had all called to the good of mankind, reservation of their dignity, enhancing the values of ethics and truthfulness, as well as family values coherence and relations which have been severed in this era as man is not abiding strictly himself with the guidance of Allah and teachings of His religion.
" We are commencing our dialogue with the other with the confidence we drive mainly from our belief in Allah and then with knowledge take from the tolerance of religion, and that we argue in the best way and most gracious. However what we agree upon, we hold fast to it and place in the inners of our hearts and what we disagree on, we refer it to Allah"s saying(To you be your way and to me mine), the monarch said.
At the inaugural session, His Excellency former president Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, chairman of the Council for Diagnosing the Interest of the Regime and Head of Expert Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran, expressed his profound gratitude for both the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud ( May Allah protect him) and to the Muslim World League for organizing this conference in which numerous sublime Islamic meanings were embodied. H.E. President Rafsanjani underlined that the significance of the conference increased by the fact that it is being held only few meters from the Safa Mountain from which the Holy Prophet(BPUH) declared his call, and that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has launched with this infinitive a new call and rendered to mankind a great Message. At the end of his talk, H.E. President Rafsanjani wished that the conference is to be a preparatory step and introduction to hold dialogue with the followers of religions, culture, and schools of thought.
In his speech at the inaugural session His Eminence Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ibn Abdullah Al-Shaikh , Grand Mufti of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and chairman of the Constituent Council of the Muslim World League indicated that dialogue among mankind is one of the necessities of life, that it is a means for coexistence , acquaintance and exchange of interests among members of Ummah and mankind , and that disagreement among people is always present and observed in the very nature and ethics of people , who differ in their tongues, colors, moods and intellects. His Eminence also added that disagreement is a universal way , that the divergence of people in their opinions and beliefs is an issue that was mentioned repeatedly in the Holy Quran and that he confirmed the origin of all Prophets" legislatures is the same , as they had been revealed to them by Allah and that the religion of Allah is one.
In his address at the inaugural session His Eminence Dr. Muhammad Sayed Tatawi, Grand Shaikh of Azhar, expressed his appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, confirming that the conference is considered a new means for enhancing cooperation relations among the members of the Ummah. He also added that dialogue is one of Allah"s change ways (Sunnah) in His creature, as man can not live isolated from others in this life, especially in this era when the whole world becomes a global village. But he said that when we base dialogue on lenient speech , good intentions and on honored objectives , its results will of course be beneficial and that it will be a means for reaching the truth as well as lessening dispute among people and that who ponder over the Quran will find replete with different types of dialogues of prophets with their respective peoples.
In his speech at the inaugural session, His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Ibn Abdul Mohsin Al Turki , secretary general of the Muslim World League, indicated that the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques has appreciated the crisis which mankind is currently confronting as well as the disintegration and chaos of the family unit due to the ignorance of man to the guidance of the creator. H. E. Al Turki stressed the importance, understanding and cooperation on what the followers of heavenly Messages, civilization and cultures agree and which include ethical principles that help diffuse world conflicts and restore for the family its social status and enhance the values of justice, cooperation, tolerance and moderation in life.
H. E. Al Turki added that dialogue is a true Quranic method and prophetic practice and culture established in the memory of Ummah with which relations with non-Muslims were affected since early time of the advent of Islam and through long civilization as based on the tolerance of Islam and essence of Islamic Shari"a from which Muslims take their Message.
The participants have applauded the concern of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud with dialogue and call to all nations to pay attention to it and to reject violence as well as confirmed the necessity of concerning ourselves with what heavenly Messages and books revealed to his prophets agree in which include inculcating in the minds of people sublime ethics and humane values as well as concentrated efforts in what benefits man, preserves family which is considered the basic rectifier for society, and protects mankind from calls of vice and family as well as social integration.
The participants considered the speech of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques an important document of the conference and a base for dialogue because it contained significant visions that are expected to achieve peace and positive co-existence.
Needless to say, the conference is being held at a time when the world is facing numerous challenges that pose threat mankind’s future, and warns of further universal moral and social as well as environmental catastrophes as an expected result of mankind’s disregard of the guidance of its Lord.
The conference emphasized on the fact that Islam possesses successful solutions to these crisis, and that the Ummah, with its humanely indispensable cultural reservoir, is required to join hands with the others in order to encounter the challenges. Allah, the Most Exalted says :{ O people of the Scripture! Now hath Our messenger come unto you, expounding unto you much of that which ye used to hide in the Scripture, and forgiving much. Now hath come unto you light from Allah and a plain Scripture. ) Quran 4/15-16.
Of course other civilizations too have their own vision towards these challenges that are wreaking havoc within the entire humanity. They share with the Muslims in the search for solutions to its crisis and surmounting the challenges it faces according to their human experiment.
Allah’s Messages and recognized man-made philosophies have humane commonalities that advocate commitment to virtuous moralities, and reject wrong doing, aggression, moral degeneration, family disintegration, serious damage to the environment and causing the atmospheric imbalance.
A profound dialogue aimed at exploring the human commonalities, is essential for cooperation in programs of joint action that could contain contemporary problems, and protect humanity against its damages.
Quite a large number of scholars and researchers, as well as preachers, heads o-f Islamic centers and societies from various parts of the Islamic world, and Islamic minorities communities around the globe, representatives of dialogue agencies and other institutions concerned with dialogue with human cultures and civilizations participated.
In fact the participants have discussed thoroughly the following four pivotal points:
1- Islamic Authentication of Dialogue
2- Islamic Authentication of Dialogue
3- Hold dialogue with whom?
4- Bases and themes of Dialogues
As follows:
FIRST: Islamic Authentication of Dialogue
A- Islam Advocates Dialogue:
The conference discussed the legitimacy of dialogue, Islam’s promotion of dialogue and the numerous texts that promote dialogue and sets forth its rules and manners and exhibit sample of dialogue sand came to this c-conclusion:
- The cause of the differences between nations and peoples, as well as their religious and cultural distinction is the will lo-f Allah, the Most Exalted and His profound wisdom. This requires that they know one another and cooperate in order to serve their interests, solve their problems and cause them to live under good manners and vie with one another in constructing the earth and performing good deeds. Quran 5:48
- Dialogue represents an authentic Qur’anic methodology and a Prophetic Sunnah through which the Prophets used to communicate with their people. The fragrant biography of the Prophet presents a clear methodology in this regard through the dialogue of the Prophet, p.b.u.h and the Christians of Najran and his corres4pondence with great emperors and monarchs. Therefore, dialogue is one of the most important mediums of spreading Islam throughout the world.
- Considering the Madina society that was established by the Prophet, p.b.o.h. as the optimal model of positive coexistence of the followers of divine messages. Here, the Madinite document is seen as a source of pride that may be emulated in civilized coexistence. It defi0ned the spheres of cooperation to achieve common interests, and solidarity to establish such noble human values as justice, charity and Ihsan.
B- Objectives of Dialogue:
Dialogue is one of the most significant windows from which Muslims can address the world; and through which Muslims can achieve a number of objectives, the most important of which are the following:
First: Introduce Islam, its principles and humane tenets as well as the great civilization heritage it possesses that enables it to effectively contribute in guiding the march of human civilization.
Second: Refute allegation leveled against Islam and rectify the distorted images of Islam, its states and organizations in religious, academic and media circles.
Third: Contribute in confronting challenges and in solution of problems that face mankind as a result of their abandoning religion and departing from its principles and values , an act that led to the suffering of mankind from justice , vice , terrorism , and violation of human rights and pollution of environment which Allah Almighty has bestowed upon them.
Fourth: Support and defend just causes pertaining to human rights violations and form an international public opinion that supports such causes and helps achieve its legitimate demands.
Fifth: Disclose allegations of those promoting clash of civilization and end of history, reject their claims that Islam is an enemy of contemporary civilization in order to inculcate in the minds of people Islam phobia, impose dominance of the world and disseminate a single culture.
Sixth : acquaint ourselves with non-Muslims and their culture as well as establish with them common principles that achieve peaceful co-existence and social security of human society, cooperate with each other in spreading sublime ethical values, supporting the truth, benevolence and peace as well as fighting hegemony, exploitation, injustice, moral deviation, family breakdown and other evils that threaten societies.
Seventh: Solve problems and dispute that may happen between Muslims and others who are sharing them in countries and communities whether majorities or minorities as well as secure an atmosphere suitable for national and social co-existence.
Eighth: Achieve understanding with humane cultures and civilizations as well as urge Muslims to join multi civilization arrangements of mankind and exploit this understanding for achieving and protecting world peace.
Ninth: continue interaction and communication with the followers of Islamic schools of thought in order to achieve the unit of the Muslim Ummah and lessen fanaticism and antagonism.
Second: Methodology, Rules, Regulations and Means of Dialogue
A-Methodology and rules of Dialogue The Conference has discussed the methodology and rules of dialogue via Quranic verses that included dialogue lesson between Prophets and their people that draw the features of the legitimate dialogue and explain its rules and prohibited aspects. The conference also tackled practical application of this methodology in the life of prophet (bpuh) and his companions and scholars following strictly his guidance Quran 12:108
In this respect the Conference reaffirms:
1- To abide by the rules and ethics of dialogue that stress the fact that dialogue should be objective and must be carried out with wisdom and proof and argument should be with wisdom and beautiful exhortation, without ridiculing the beliefs of other people , an act that is not accepted by Islam nor required by objectivity of dialogue. Quran 29:46
2- Objective dialogue, peaceful coexistence and cooperation among the followers of Messages do not mean concession regarding the fundamental principles nether negligence nor harmonizing among religions. It in fact means cooperation for the good of man and preservation of his identity and rights, lifting injustice, repel aggressing, solve his problems and securing decent life. These are common principles that are embodied in the heavenly Messages and ratified by earthy constitutions and human rights declarations. Thus dialogue is conducted as per the Quranic base which is focuses on (You have your religion and 1 mine) Quran 109:6
B-Means and mechanisms of dialogue
The participants recommended the Muslim World to give much attention dialogue, its constitution, means and programs. In fact they urged the League to do the following:
1- Form an international Dialogue commission confrere, which comprise the major circles concerned with dialogue and develop a united strategy for dialogue, follow up its affairs, activated its processes together with coordination and cooperation in this connection with the concerned circles. The Conference also adopted the establishment of an specialized team to be selected by the League from the participants of this Conference in order to follow resolution of the conference and to study the required steps for setting up of an international Dialogue commission and to chart a project for it to be presented to a later meeting to be held by concerned authorities in the Muslim World.
2- Establish (King Abdullah Ibn Abdul Aziz"s International Center for Civilization Interaction) with a view to disseminating dialogue culture, training people as well as developing their skills according to specific academic foundations.
3- Create (King Abdullah Ibn Abdul Aziz"s Award for Civilization Dialogue) so as to be granted to international personalities and organizations that contribute effectively in promoting dialogue in a manner that helps achieve its desired objectives.
4- Conduct conferences and symposiums and meetings of research groups on dialogue among followers of revealed Messages, civilizations and cultures as well as considerable philosophies to which academic, and media personnel as well as religious leaders representing various international cultures are invited to participate in.
The conference expresses its profound gratitude to the numerous Islamic organizations for the efforts they rendered for promotion of dialogue, and encourage them to make further coordination and cooperation for promotion of dialogue and its investment in achieving the interests of Muslim Ummah via adopting the following steps:
•Practice dialogue within its rules and legitimate objectives in a manner that achieve higher interests of Ummah , study all relevant matters of dialogue , abide ourselves with ethics of Islam in dialogue, keep away from ridiculing others, take position of equal partner dialogue together with taking pride in the cultural specialties of the Muslim Ummah and represent it in dialogue session in a manner that suits its civilization status.
•Coordinate among various Islamic delegations, unify the Islamic attitude via the international organization for dialogue in the Muslim World League, and consider it a comprehensive forum for dialogue"s associations and committees as well as abide by strategic vision emanating from it.
•Encourage concerned bodies to focus dialogue in common humane aspect and mutual interests as well as attempt to promote peaceful co-existence, justice, social securities for the various nations and to stand to contemporary challenges.
•Spread dialogue culture in Muslim societies, give attention to the dissemination of the Holy Quran and its translation, warn people against calls for clash of civilization and their serious repercussion on world peace and cooperate in this respect with ministries of culture and information as well as education in the Muslim countries.
•Take advantage of dialogue experiments, seek to promote dialogue programs with fostering further cooperation with respective governments and organizations of Muslim states in their dialogue programme in order to upgrade dialogue of the Muslim Ummah and invested in achieving its objectives.
•Select a number of specialized scholars with international experience in the various fields and themes of dialogue, train them adequately to participate positively in international dialogue forums.
Thirdly: Hold dialogue with whom ?
The conference has thoroughly discussed the past experiments of dialogue among Muslims during the past five decades and look forward to the horizons of the dialogue future with various followers of Messages ant sects as well as cultures and adopted the following:
1- to observe openness in dialogue on all attitudes influential in contemporary life whether they are political, academic or media and not to confine such matter to religious leaders.
2- To arrange that dialogue covers all circles that adopt anti Islamic attitudes, so a to explain the realities of Islam and clarify erroneous concept which be a cause for their insulting to Islam
The conference reaffirmed the need of the world for further dialogue in order to achieve understanding and agreement on a formula that prevents clash of civilization.
Furthermore, the conference recommends the Muslim world league and other popular and official Islamic organization to do the following:
= produce and publish in live languages media materials that refute theories of clash of civilization , shed light on the future of man and convene international conference on (Dangers of the Theories of Clash of Civilization on World Peace and Security) and encourage influential religious leader as well as cultural, political and academic personalities to participate in it.
= to request countries and international organizations, the top most of which is the United Nations, to undertake their duties in confronting both hatred culture among people and sectarian corrupt calls that instigate those embracing them to exercise hatred against others and to feel conceited before them. However such calls will destroy world peace and security as well as contradict heavenly messages and international conventions and should be considered as a crime that threaten peaceful co-existence.
= call Muslim residing in Muslim minority countries to conduct dialogue that may solve the conflict arising from time to time. In order to secure good living in social peace and consider dialogue achieve social harmony is considered one of the most significant types of dialogue.
= call Muslim residing in Muslim minority countries to continue the dialogue with the citizens of their respective countries and confirm to them their sincere commitment to citizenship without neglecting their Islamic duties.
= foster cooperation with the government of Muslim states and leadership of Islamic organization to request the United Nations and official as well as popular international human rights organizations to incriminate those who launch insult onslaughts against Islam, its Prophet (BPUH) and holy Quran as well as promulgate abiding laws that consider insult to Prophets and their Messages a crime and prevent exploitation of cultural and media freedoms of expression in a manner that undermines world security and co-existence.
Fourth: Bases and themes of Dialogue
A- Bases of Dialogue
The conference has studied the bases upon which serious dialogue is based and in reference to common humane principles and underlined the importance of the general Islamic principles pertaining to dialogue and co-existence which consider in fact humane principles that make mankind happy. These include the following:
1- Believe in the unity of mankind origin and that people are equal in humanity and dignity. Quran 4:1
2-reject sectarianism and fanaticism, denounce calls of hegemony. The Hadith (O people your Lord is one and your father is one and piety is the only criterion for preference of an Arab over non-Arab or a non-Arab over an Arab or red over black or black over red ) 3
3-consider that Allah has created man on natural instinct as he loves peace and hates evil, accepts justice and reject injustice and that the suffering of mankind is due to their rejection of the guidance of Allah and the Prophet. Quran 20:123-124
Since Islam recognizes revealed Messages, this encourages Muslims to carry out dialogue with the followers of such Messages and that Muslims believe that the source of the heavenly Messages revealed by Allah to his Prophets is one.
Muslims are encouraged to hold dialogue with the followers of the previous divine messages by the fact that Islam recognizes the previous divine messages, and because the Muslims believe that the basis of the divine messages that Allah sent down onto His Prophets is one; i.e. invitation to worship Him alone, as well as the fact that Muslims do not differentiate between the Messengers of Allah. Allah . Quran 4/152
Another encouraging factor of dialogue with the followers of other divined messages is the universality of Islam and its humanitarian laws, which are replete with implications of charity, justice, compassion for the entire humanity. Allah says: {We have not sent thee, but as a Mercy unto all creatures}. 22/107
B. Topics of Dialogue:
The conference reviewed dialogue, and called on the Islami0c as well as international institutions engaged in dialogue to give priority to the following topics:
1. Protecting values and moralities against the promotion of moral degeneration under the guise of individual liberty.
2. Studying the phenomena and causes of terrorism, violence, excessiveness and describing others as rejecters of faith, and the means of eradicating g them, and establishing international cooperation to encounter these phenomena through the various means, and refuting the false allegation that label Islam and Muslims as terrorist.
3. Manifestations of injustice, oppression, tyranny, exploiting the resources of poor nations under the pretext of peoples" liberation and guarding human rights.
4. The manifestations of aggression against the environment wi0th all its components, and encountering every aggression or expected aggression against the environment, so as to avoid the dangers and catastrophes that could affect entire humanity with all its peoples. Allah says: {6/56}.
5. The problems of the family and the collapse of the established family system of legal marriage and reproduction.
6. Media in contemporary life and tendency adopted by many of its means to the corruption of moral values, instigation of the dissension and conflict, promotion of deviation, crime and addiction as well as fostering international cooperation for directing media to perform effectively its duty and promoting sublime values and ethics.
7. Human rights and their violations and international as well as development of mechanisms that secure honorable living for man.
8. Various challenges that face man on cultural, social, ethical and educational levels.
Declaration of the conference to peoples, governments and organizations.
The conference has reviewed the challenges that face humanity, directed a declaration to governments and organizations as well as peoples irrespective of their religions and cultures and call upon the sagacious among them to the following:
= Foster understanding between them and us that we believe in Allah as a creator, worship Him alone and seek the guidance He revealed to His Prophets and Messengers.
= Face untidily features of injustice, tyranny, despotism and hegomany as well as help each other in terminating wars, conflicts and international problem as well as work together for promotion of the culture of tolerance and dialogue, support of dialogue institutions, promote its horizons, taking it as a means for understanding, cooperation and establishing bases of world peace as well as desisting from wasting human resources and exploitation of the talents of individuals in the productions of mass destructive weapons that threaten with vanishing the future of the earth.
= Cooperate with each other for the promotion of sublime values and building of international ethical arrangement that stand to the attack of moral deviation, combat extra marital relationships and provide solutions for the dangers surrounding the family in a manner that secures the right of all to live within happy family.
= Work together in the inhabitation of earth according to the wish of Allah who authorized our father Adam and his progeny to reform earth and to reform it as well as halt aggression on the right of the coming generation to live in an environment devoid of all types of pollutions and minimize its dangers with common action that seeks to lessen its consequences and guide industrial technological advancement.
= Cooperate with each other in rectification of the factual situation of the universe whose most parts are covered by corruption which needs to be remedied by the mercy of Allah which is the essence of the Message with which Prophet Mohammed (B P U H) was sent ( We sent thee not , but as a mercy for all creatures) Quran 21: 107
At the conclusion of the conference, the participants expressed their profound gratitude made by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah IBN Abdul Aziz Al-Saud in the subject of dialogue and for his patronage of this grand conference, hoping that he supports its resolutions and recommendations.
They also appealed to him to extend his kind invitation to distinctive Muslim personalities specialized in dialogue from Muslims and from followers of revealed Messages and considerable man-made philosophies to submit for them as soon as possible the Islamic vision of Dialogue adopted by this conference as well as agreement with them on a practical formula for fruitful International dialogue that contribute in the solution of the problems from which mankind is suffering today. The Monarch was also requested to use his international good offices via the United Nations, its states and organizations according to what he deems appropriate.
The scholars participating in the conference have confirmed their stand by him in his efforts for the service of Islam, Muslims and all mankind in a manner that secures cooperation, stability and peace among all world communities, with their different creeds and cultures. The participants have also expressed their deep appreciation for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its due concern with dialogue and for its patronage of the conference.
The participants also applauded the sincere efforts exerted by the Muslim World League and its affiliate organizations in introducing Islam, defending it and its Messenger Muhammad (BPUH).
Finally, the participants reaffirmed the importance of continuing positive participation in the symposiums and meetings that had clear positive impact in the speeding of dialogue culture and in rectification of many erroneous thoughts about Islam and Muslims.
May Allah"s benediction and peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad, his kinsfolk and companions all?
Issued in Makkah on 2/6/1429H - 6/6/2008
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